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Q n A with Mr. Prem Jaiswal

Prem Jaiswal

Born in 1942, Mr Jaiswal graduated in commerce from St Xavier and did law from Law university college. He joined the family biz and later started stamp biz in 1954 as dealers ,auctioneers & valuers. He started a philatelic centre in 1976.  

A singer who has performed Mukesh ji’s   songs in Nehru Centre ,  London has also been a lifestyle health advisor, has authored UR BODY UR BEST DOCTOR, STARVE CANCER CELLS TO DEATH. He also knows Graphology.



     1) When did your passion of collecting stamps and autographs and other documents actually started?

I started when I was 12 years old and I started with collecting stamps. When i was in school in Hindi High, the owner of the school, Mr. Birla inspired us to collect stamps and every alternate Saturday,  we used to exchange stamps with our classmates. That is where I got my passion from and  gradually it turned into business.   I then got into collecting almost everything.  Except for coins, I collect all paper collectibles. We had a shop where I used to sell stamps. Probably, I am the most experienced person in the world as I have put about 14-16 hours (almost 75% more than that of  a normal person if not double) every day for 67 years.


2) What is your collection like?

I didn’t really collect autographs but in the course of business i was able to collect a lot of letters from dignitaries especially from the rulers of the Indian princely states. I have a huge collection of their correspondence addressed to to the Maharaja of Jaipur  which included personal letters like marriage proposal to a particular family,  exchange of horoscopes etc. I could also lay my hands on one postcard handwritten by Mahatma Gandhi, letters of Rabindranath Tagore.but i dont really  specialise in collecting autographs. I have the biggest collection of Indian state fiscal and revenue stamps in the world. I have more than 250 volumes of it and it is still increasing. 


3) what is your suggestion to people who collect autographs?

 Autograph collection is a good hobby but one needs to be focused.  I have so many allied things that my  stock is in a few tonnes and now its difficult to specialise in one field.  


4)  Could you speak on the importance of autographs and selfies?

So.  autographs and letters,  they speak volumes about a person and his thought process. I had letters of Ravindranath Tagore and it had a lot of his unpublished poems. If i wasn't into so many things, i would have explored autographs too. 


5) How do you see this habit of collecting as a hobby?

So it has its own benefits. It improves health, wealth, discipline, knowledge, IQ, intelligence and patience of a person. The success rate of such people is higher and its a great stress buster too. Infact, it can help old people to stay away from Alzeimers also. It has no age bar, one can start whenever. Stamp collection for example is called the hobby of kings and the king of hobbies. It doesnt require any huge investments too. 


6) Someone who has started collecting these stuff, how do they keep their fire burning?

I mean stamps are easily available online and people can easily buy them. And if you are an autograph hunter, you can meet people and take their autographs. 


 7) Any paper collectible which you think was very hard to get and which you cherish?

 Well, I have the original poster of Netaji proclamation of declaration of Independence.

8) You said stamp collection is a great stress buster? How is it so?

 I am actually writing a book on this. Suppose, you are very worried and stressed and you sit with your stamps, the worries and the stress goes away. Benefits are many as said earlier.



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