

The Autograph Collectors Club of India (ACCI) is proud to be 28 years old today. It has over 3000 members across India and abroad! Our members range from 17 to 70 year olds! We try every possible move to inculcate this amazing hobby. We have lakhs of autographs collected by our members includingthose of Thomas Edison, Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Edmund Hillary, Neil Armstrong, Mother Teresa, Ustad Bismillah Khan, the Dalai Lama and so many more!

We are looking forward to creating a museum to showcase the wonderful autographs for generations to come. This museum would be one of a kind and will show the journey of autograph collection throughout history!

Please get in touch with us if -
  • If you are an autograph collector or a celebrity or someone who has any autographs, autographed photos, letters etc of famous personalities that you would like to donate for this purpose. All those who send us their autographs would be gratified with certificates and medals from the ACCI.
  • If you would like to donatea monetary amount for the same.
  • If you would like to donate your own space or a property or a dilapidated propertyfree of rent.


Santosh Lahoti (Founder, ACCI):
+91 9331012533



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