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Collecting autographs has been his hobby from an early age of ten

Milind Wagle

Collecting autographs has been his hobby from an early age of ten. A man with many hats, has over 15000 autographs in addition to over 1500 ties and hats of sportsperson and armed forces. A noted commentator and broadcaster on TV and Radio since 1975, loves to make friends and has interviewed myriad personalities.   

  •  Commentates in more than 25 sports and 75 marathons internationally covering 6 Olympic Games and 10 Cricket World Cups.  
  • An international sports commentator has commentated in Jr. Nationals, Sr. Nationals, Federation Cup, Interstate, National Games, Afro Asian Games, World Military Games, SAF Games, Asian Track and Field, Permit Meets, Commonwealth and Asian games.
  • Commentates in Athletics and in Commenwealth Games Table Tennis since 1978 and 1980 respectively
  • Has also covered many events in the Indian Armed Forces, Indian Air Force and Indian Naval Force.


1.    When did you start collecting autographs?

In 1964, i was in Pune with my uncle. He had got VIP passes for the cricket match between England MCC vs Indian University in Police ground, Pune. My uncle got me an autograph book and that is where i started my journey of collecting autographs which is now over 15000 as the passion of collecting the same stayed on with me. 

My first autograph was of Ajit Wadekar and little i knew that in a few years later in 1974 i would become a commentator and would interview Ajit Wadekar who would eventually become a good friend of mine. Being a commentator for twenty five sports has been advantageous for me as i get autographs of people very easily. 

2.  Do you only take autographs of sports personalities?

No, i take autographs of anybody from any field. Be it a singer, an actor, politician, musician, the armed forces personnel.  

3.  Is it in person always?

I generally meet them in some sports event, post event celebrations, parties or at the airports. 

4. What is your way of taking an autograph?

So, i always carry an autograph card which fits in my pocket very easily. I generally take 4-5 autographs of the same person, one i keep for myself and the others i gift to my fellow autograph collectors.  

5.  What do you intend to do with your collection?

I wish to give it for charity. Some can be given to the museums where autographs are displayed.

I would like to point out the fact that today, there are a lot of people who buy and sell autographs but that for me is not a hobby, thats purely business. 

6.  Dont you think selfies are taking over autographs?

I would say yes as it is easier and is definitely taking over autographs. Hence this hobby needs to be revived. And i think its the people like me who have the onus towards the society to bring it back in its full form. Though in the last few years, it has been reviving and I would be very happy to help and guide people to follow this passion. 

7. Do you also think it’s also because the mobile phones are handy?

I would say thats an excuse because i always carry an autograph card which is very easy to keep in the pocket. These are thin paper cards, not very thick and easily portable. 

8. Any do’s and donts’ of taking an autograph?

  •  Never collect an autograph when you see a person having his or her meal. Like them having a fork or a poon in his hand and you approch him for an autograph is wrong. You should wait for him to finish his or her meal or wait for him or her to come to the lobby or come out of the restrauant.
  •  Some autograph collectors or the youth of today at times in their sheer excitement go up to the person from whom they seek an autograph and give them a ten rupee note to take their autograph on that which i think is wrong because we should respect the currency as it is not a piece of paper.
  • Also, if you are an avid autograph collector, you will and should be always be armed with the tools, a decent paper and a pen, something on which you can take an autograph.
  •  If you aren’t carrying one, apologize to the person whose autograph you seek, be polite to the person, introduce yourself and then ask for an autograph,
  • Always send a pre-paid stamp envelope when you send a letter to a celeb so that he or she can use the same to send you the autograph and and reply to your letter.
  •   Never always chose a celeb for taking an autograph, take autographs of personalities, they might or might not become celebs but that’s fine.


9) Suppose if i am in a restaurant, and i have nothing with me to take an autograph on, can i take an autograph on a tissue paper?

So if you are an avid autograph collector and you still don’t have an autograph card, you will apologize to the person for the same from whom you are seeking the autograph and take it on a tissue paper though it might not last long but a one-off autograph collector will just ask for it on a tissue paper without realizing that he or she should carry something for the autograph. 

10) Did you ever had to struggle for taking an autograph?

I never really had to struggle for taking an autograph, I have been lucky in that aspect. Only once I saw Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of Bengal, sitting alone in the old Delhi airport and she refused me her autograph. I had to convince her for 2-3 minutes and she eventually gave me one. She was then the railway minister.

11) How does autograph collection help the society?

It is a wonderful hobby which can engage the youth to eventually take pride in having autographs of great personalities



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