Our Star Connection



Jazzy Joe

Hi. My name is Jazzy Joe. I am a DJ, Music Educator, Influencer, Autograph collector and a Vinyl Collector. I have more than 2000 Autographed Record covers featuring singers, actors, actresses, music directors, lyricists and other prominent figures. I hold a Record in The Limca Book of Records for the maximum Autographed Record covers. I also have more than 1000 autographed photos, books, posters, t-shirts, FDCs, cricket bats and other items.

All the Philographists have a triggering point that leads them to collect autographs and so do I.

I have been a DJ for 29 years and I have a collection of about 12000 LP records. LP records are big black music discs that were available long back much before CDs came into play. The cover size of an LP record is 12 by 12 inches. These records are difficult to find now.


     An LP record                   An LP Record cover of an old movie


When I started autograph collection in 2008, I had about 10,000 LP records with me. I owe my collection to this great Indian artist - I am sure you know him, he was a great friend of mine, he was a ghazal singer, he was -  JAGJIT SINGH.

Whenever he had a concert in Delhi, I would make sure that I attend it. Sometime in 2008 he had a concert at Sirifort auditorium.

Just before this concert, I was casually going through my records and I saw Jagjit ji’s record. A thought crossed my head


“Why not just take his autograph on the cover of this record…”


So when I met him, I asked him for an autograph on that very record cover. This lit up his kind face. He took the record cover in his hand and started telling me about all the people on the cover picture. It was very nostalgic for him. He signed all the records I was carrying.



 I felt elated to see the joy on his face. I had made a person happy who made so many people happy all over the world!

This happiness compelled me to take autographs of other celebrities on LP record covers, and the happiness on their faces has kept me going ever since.

People often ask me about my favorite autograph story. Well, it is difficult to pick one....

Let me tell you about my first meeting with Pandit Jasraj. I have met him several times, but what happened in the first meeting is nothing short of a film.

I had always wanted to meet Panditji, and then I got to know about his show in Kamani auditorium in Delhi in 2013.

I reached before time and managed to get to his green room. I peeped in and saw him rehearsing with a few musicians before the concert. I waited for him to finish.

After sometime he came out and this is when I approached him. He was a little surprised to see me, because with my long hair and a hat, I know I don’t look like a typical classical music fan.

I touched his feet and he put his hand on my head. I showed him my LP records with his pictures and requested for his autograph.

He smiled looking at his pictures on the records and said that he would surely sign them, but after the concert.

I ran towards the seating area while he walked towards the stage. I watched his entire show and loved it. In fact, I was so immersed in his performance that I forgot all about the autograph!

When the show ended and Panditji got up to leave, I suddenly realized that I had to collect his autograph.

I rushed to the backstage but Pandit ji had already left. I quickly made my way to the parking and at that very moment I saw him closing the car door and leaving.

I had missed my chance!

I was really upset. Exactly at this moment I saw a familiar face close by. I realized that this gentleman next to me was actually sitting behind Panditji on the stage.

I ran to him, introduced myself and asked his name. His name is Sanjay. I told him that I was a DJ and I was about to get my LP records signed by Panditji but missed it. Sanjay told me that he was about to head to the same place where Panditji had gone.

I asked him if he could get my records signed. He readily agreed. He took my records and left in his car.

Relieved, I finally sat in my car when my driver asked me the most important question of the evening.

I had handed over the records to Sanjay, but how on earth was he supposed to contact me?

I just realized the second blunder I made in the past 15 minutes!

I asked my driver to quickly follow Sanjay’s car. My driver followed him. So we were following a car that was following Pandit ji’s car.

After about a 35 minute drive, we reached a farm house in Vasant Kunj. Pandit ji’s car and Sanjay’s car went inside the farm house. It was already dark. I didn’t know what to do next. It wasn’t appropriate to approach anyone so late.

So I sent my driver with my card. My driver went inside and came back in a while.

What do you think happened next?

Well, nothing! Pandit ji’s staff had received my card but there wasn’t any immediate response. I waited for some time and then decided to head back home.

The next few days were spent in anticipation of receiving an update about Pandit ji’s autograph, but to no avail.

After about a week a got a call from Sanjay. He invited me to his house. I went there and he showed me the records. They were all autographed.



This article has been written by Pooja Gupta.

She is a freelance writer, anchor and a former Radio Jockey. Currently working on a web series, she has previously written ads, articles, promos, short films, screenplays and dialogues. For work, she can be contacted on pooja.gupta2178@yahoo.com.





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