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Q n A with Manav Kaushik



Palak Chokhani

A committed film pro, a profound philosopher and a powerful food appraiser... 


1) What words or phrase do you always include in your autograph?

With my best regards and much love...


2) The craziest thing or object you have ever signed on?

On a stole.


3) Do you still receive hand written letters from your fans?

Indeed... Yes!


4) Do you remember the first autograph you ever sought?

Sachchidananda Hirananda Vatsyayan, popularly known by “Agyeya”.


5) Which autograph that you own (if any) is very precious to you?


6) What’s your personal fanboy moment?

स्वाक्षर चाहियेआपका नाम ?


अरे ! मैं आप का नाम पूछ रहा हूँ भाई !

जी, मानव

मानव ? “उपनामहै ?

जी नहीं मेरा नाम है

वाह ! शुक्रिया मानव, याद दिलाने के लिये कि हम कहने को मानव हैं, मानव हम सबको बनना है

Noticed a very Big Smile and Autograph was obtained.


7) Somebody’s autograph which you wish to have?

Paul McCartney.

8) Do you think autograph seeking and collecting is fading away?

Indeed. Today fans prefer selfies instead.


From writer, director, actor Manav Kaushik

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