What are your views on autographs?
Momoa: "Oh they are so romantic! I'd love hugs and kisses!
But they don't stay with you forever! Autographs do! So I think they are better
keepsakes than hugs and kisses - that someone important to you took out time to
sign something for memory! Isn't that amazing!"
What are your favourite memories of giving autographs?
"Too many to keep track off! But I remember this little girl who came at a
press event for Aquaman! She was about 10 or so I think and she was just posing
with a cut out of the film poster. And gosh she was so excited doing that only
that I couldn't resist creeping up behind her, removing the cut out and
standing there myself. I can never forget the look of surprise on her face! She
was rooted to the ground like a statue for five seconds or so and then
literally jumped to give me the warmest hug! That was really overwhelming for me
too. I gave her a life-size trident along with my signature. I had to!"
3. Do
you think autographs are better than selfies?
"They both have their own charm and value! Technology has allowed fans to
own a piece of their idols or heroes from when they aren't prepared with a pen
and paper. Or when they just bump into someone they admire. But this has cons
too. Sometimes celebs may be with families and wanting to protect their
privacy. In that case, selfies can get intrusive. Autographs, on the other hand,
do not 'show' show stuff…if you know what I mean! So actually, yeah, I think
autographs are way better than selfies!'
What kind of fan mail do you get? Are you able to interact with fans over mail?
"You really wanna know?? (Laughs) I
get all sorts of fan mail - a lot of it could be NSFW also! But yeah I love
interacting with my fans on various social media platforms and do a lot of live
interactions on social media. I love those sessions because they are just so
5. Is
social media and the access fans have to celebrities going to threaten
autograph aficionados?
"I don't think so if you are referring to collectors and serious
enthusiasts. This is such a sweet hobby really! I wish I had the patience to
cultivate it! "
Whose autograph would you like to take, given the chance?
JM: "Again,
there are far too many people! From Gregory Peck, James Dean, Michael Jackson!
Far too many people I would love to see in person, talk to, and be a general
crazy fan around!"
Dr Aarti Kapur
Singh is an independent writer with close to two decades' experience in
various media. After securing a doctorate in film studies, she is now indulging
in her passion to discover the world. She writes on food, luxury, films,
travel, wellness and celebrities.
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